
【每日一歌】Tori Amos - Pancake

最初听Tori Amos是因为孙燕姿翻唱了她的《Silent All These Years》,后来听她的歌是因为这个红头发的女权主义歌手的歌确实很好听。偶然在高中对面的音像店买到了一本已经拆封的《Scarlet's Walk》磁带,不知道这是不是中国内地引进的她的唯一一本专辑。它也是我高中期间听的最多的磁带之一。我从来没有关注过歌词,因为Tori Amos的歌词实在难懂,大学之后才知道《Scarlet's Walk》整本专辑原来是Tori Amos的化身红衣女郎Scarlet的美国之旅。专辑中最悦耳的歌,说实话,不是这首《Pancake》,而是首单《A Sorta Fairytale》(旋律赞,MV赞,编曲赞,唱腔赞,念字赞)。Tori Amos也使我喜欢上了Indie Pop和Piano Pop。

《Scarlet's Walk》是Tori Amos加盟Epic唱片的第一张专辑,大改以往的女权主义风格,转走文学路线(她的下一张专辑《The Beekeeper》也是同样的风格),歌词晦涩到以至于专门在官网上给出了具体的解释。

 其实我直到现在也没有完整的看过歌词(生词好多,压力好大),真正吸引我的还是独特的作曲和唱腔。我不知道Tori Amos是不是在用某种方言唱歌,她的元音总是很独特,假如不给我歌词我绝对想不到她在唱的是哪个词。

这首歌的旋律平铺直叙,甚至连高潮也只是简单的声调一挑。Tori Amos用慵懒、颓废而不屑的声音,不紧不慢地,时而陈述,时而小小地嘶吼——与其说嘶吼,还不如说就是出气过强。到了最后,这嘶哑的长音更加变本加厉。

录音室版本(Album Version)




现场版,live from San Antonio, 2003
Tori Amos又在秀她两边弹钢琴的技术



I'm not sure who's fooling who here
As I'm watching your decay
We both know you could deflate
A 7 hurricane
Seems like you and your tribe
Decided you'd rewrite the law
Segregate the mind
From Body and from soul

You give me yours
I'll give you mine
Cause I can look your God
Right in the eye
You give me yours
I'll give you mine
You used to look my God
Right in the eye

I believe in defending
In what we once
Stood for
It seems in vogue
To be a closet
Misogynist homophobe
A change of course in
Our direction
A dash of truth
Spread thinly
Like a flag
On a popstar
On a Benzodiazapene
You give me yours
I'll give you mine
Cause I can look your God
Right in the eye
You give me yours
I'll give you mine
You used to look my God
Right in the eye

Oh Zion please
Remove your glove
And dispel every trace
Of His spoken word
That has lodged
In my vortex

I'm not sure who's fooling who here
As I'm watching your decay
We both know you could deflate
A 7 hurricane
You could have spared
Her - oh but no
Messiahs need
People dying in their Name
You could have spared
Her - oh but no
Messiahs need
People dying in their Name
You say "I ordered you a pancake"

You say "I ordered you a pancake"

歌手:Tori Amos
专辑:Scarlet's Walk

